Monday, June 30, 2008

Cookie Marenco

I met up with Cookie Marenco at her studio in Belmont, CA on June 25th, 2008 at 10:15am. Her studio overlooks a massive, gorgeous valley which would totally distract me from my work on a daily basis. She seems to be fine with it.

Cookie is another woman who has been in the industry for a long time. Her age is undisclosed, but her wisdom shines through. She is so kind and I immediately felt connected with her, as she told me her stories. She is one who has forged her own path through creating her own studio from the beginning. She was a musician in her own right (seems to be a common theme for the women I have met), and started recording early on in her life.

Cookie runs an analog studio, though she can use digital formats. She loves the sound of vintage analog gear and has clients who seek her out because of this. Her craft seems very organic to her, and through her stories I can tell that she was unafraid to ask the questions that needed to be asked to get the answers that she needed along the way.

She is perhaps as emotional as I am, tearing up a little on one question. It was truly beautiful, like she is, but it did make me feel a little bit like the audio industry's Barbara Walters. Perhaps I dig too deeply with these women, but I do want to figure out what makes them tick - what drove them to enter this business, and then what motivates them to stay.

Like most of the others, it is obvious to me that this chosen field wasn't easily won for Cookie, though she also has legendary status amongst her peers. She is a very positive, open, accepting soul who opens her studio to many different interns who wish to learn how to work in/operate a studio. Cookie also teaches them how to run a business, how to market, how to welcome and accommodate clients, how to navigate the business, and how to be a professional. These are skills that I would hope get taught to all interns who are trying to enter the field, but unfortunately it is truly rare.

I could have talked to Cookie all day; she was so full of fascinating insight! But alas, she had a 2pm downbeat, as goes this way of life.

For more info on Cookie, see or, or read the book, baby!

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